An individual named Rylie Saloum, who resided in Albertville, Minnesota and attended the University of Minnesota, has been reported to have passed away. An announcement on her passing was made by Heather Marie on her Facebook page. She was driving under the influence of alcohol, which led to her death in an accident. We will all miss her dearly, especially those who knew and loved her. All of the people in her town are utterly and completely heartbroken and devastated. At a young age, no one should have to experience the loss of loved ones. As of the time that this article was written, her family had not yet disclosed the details of her funeral or written an obituary. It would be greatly appreciated if you would keep her family and loved ones in your prayers and thoughts.
Because life is so fleeting, it is important to cling to the people you care about and to live each day as if it were your last! The sweet Rylie Saloum, may you rest in peace!!! You were one of Adrienne’s pals from the very beginning! You were such a gentle, entertaining, intelligent, and brilliant person! We are not going to forget you ever! It is Heather Marie.
This information is wrong she was not driving under the influence. She was walking back to her dorm and she was hit by a drunk driver please get your information correct 💔
Someone needs to fact check this article. She was not under the influence of alcohol or driving. She was hit by a drunk driver who is now currently in police custody.
Absolutely insulting that my best friends legacy is being tarnished by websites like this.