Mary Alice Olson, a cherished daughter, sister, aunt, and friend, passed away in October 2024. Following a severe attack of pneumonia that resulted in multiple organ failure and septic shock, Mary Alice passed away. She was adventurous, loving, fun, and protective. She follows her own rhythm, which can be a little perplexing. For anyone who is intelligent enough to seek my friendship and love, getting to know Mary was an adventure of a lifetime.
I’m curious, I’d like to know what is going on here.
Turned on my TV early in the morning. Opened youtube and saw her video. I just couldn´t help buy cry about her passing. It was a very touching video and I could see how cheerful and loved she was, always smiling. It made me think about life and death and that we all are just meant to die one day. It´s just depressing. I try to hold on to this promise: Acts 24:15 but in the meantime we all just have to wait. I hope our Creator gives her family the strengh they need at this moment.
What a wonderful tribute to Mary Alice Olson.
God bless her family.