Louis Clayton, Windsor, Connecticut, police officer who is also known as The Kidd” passed away on Friday, November 8, 2024. He was a father, a friend and co-worker to many. Louis served in the United States Army before joining the Windsor Police Department in September 2021. Everyone who worked with Louis respected and admired him. His sense of humour and his friendship with everyone he encountered were his most well-known traits.
When Louis was not working, he liked vehicles and, most all, his two daughters, Zendaya, age two, and Zola, age three. He left behind his mother, father, and his girlfriend, Olivia, as well as his friends and two daughters.
Louis Clayton GoFundMe
In order to help Louis’ family during this trying time, the Windsor Police Union is setting up a GoFundMe account. The money will be used for unforeseen burial costs, additional family expenses, and his two daughters’ future tuition costs.
Our thoughts, prayers and unwavering support are here for all of you during this time of loss.